Supercharger Lid Custom Painting


Many colors available!

Send us your lid for powder coating or take advantage of our lid CORE Exchange Program to customize your supercharger look even sooner!

*Customer must send in their supercharger lid*

Send in Lid
Core Exchange Program (+$300.00)
I understand I must send my supercharger lid to FAS Motorsports' shipping address, and that there are no returns or refunds on orders with custom powder coating color options.
I understand I must send my supercharger lid to FAS Motorsports' address listed on the contact page, and I will receive $250 back upon lid delivery. I understand that any order placed for a CORE Exchange item cannot be refunded or returned.
Product total
Options total
Grand total


Many colors available for supercharger lid painting!

Another option is our lid painting CORE Exchange Program.

  • $499.00 for a coated lid shipped to your door!
  • $250.00 will be returned to the customer when we receive a good lid back.
  • Lid is due back in the mail with a tracking number provided within 10 business days. If a customer does not get in contact with us within that time period, then the $250 core charge will not be refunded.

Send your lid into our shipping address and label- Attention: Painting